Member Page

Dr. Mohammed Saeed J Alzahrani

Assistant Professor


Faculty of Business Administration

  • College of Business, building 4 , office number G 118, Aqiq
  • Faculty Member
  • Personal site
  • Visitors: 3577

Dr. Al-Zahrani is an Assistant Professor of Digital Marketing in the non-profit sector. He is currently a faculty member at Al-Baha University's College of Business. He is highly regarded for his expertise in various marketing courses, including Principles of Marketing, Financial Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Marketing Communications. His research interests focus on consumer behaviour, online health support groups, and digital services. Dr. Alzahrani's Awards: 1. Received the Best Poster Award at the Fifth Saudi Scientific Conference held in Sydney from 2020 to 2021. 2. Won the Best Scientific Research Award in the Digital Marketing track at the ANZMAC 2023 conference. 3. Received numerous Excellence Awards from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Embassy in Australia from 2019-202



Univeristy of Newcastle, Australia

PhD, Marketing


De Montfort University, United Kingdom

Master Degree, Marketing


king Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

Bachelor Degree, Business Administration




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