- University Members /
- Abdulaziz Saeed Alzahrani
Head of Civil Engineering Department
Assistant Professor
Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
- Building 4, 2nd Floor, Room #2712
- Faculty Member
- Personal site
- Visitors: 4445
Abdulaziz S. Alzahrani is currently an Assistant Professor and the Head of the Civil Engineering Department at Al-Baha University, Saudi Arabia. He earned his Ph.D. in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering from the University of Akron in the United States in 2022. Dr. Alzahrani received his master's degree in water resources and environmental engineering from the University of Dayton in 2017. Dr. Alzahrani specializes in developing and applying innovative geospatial technologies to address complex water resource challenges in Saudi Arabia and the broader Middle East. His research aims to enhance water management practices, reduce flood risks, and protect water. for Contact: aseidan@bu.edu.sa;
University of Akron, United States
PhD, Civil Engineering
University of Dayton, United States
Master Degree, Civil Engineering
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Bachelor Degree, Civil Engineering
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