Member Page

Professor. Abdella Kormie Dinga

Head of CBA AACSB Committee



Faculty of Business Administration

  • Office G201, CBA, Building 4, Aqiq Main Campus
  • Faculty Member
  • Personal site
  • Visitors: 614

I graduated from the Aarhus School of Business, awarded a degree of Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Administration; a degree of Masters of Science in Finance and International Business; and Doctoral Degree in Accounting and Finance from Durham Business School, Durham University, in the UK. I have been working as assistant professor of accounting and finance in Al-Baha University, College of Business Administration since 2011. I have been deeply involved in quality and develpment, and accreditation activities at the college and institutional level since 2017. My research interest are: corporate performance, corporate governance, environmental management, CSR, capital structure, among others.



Durham University Business School, Durham University, United Kingdom

PhD, Accounting and Finance


Aarhus School of Business, Denmark

Master Degree, Finance and International Business


Aarhus School of Business, Denmark

Bachelor Degree, Economics and Business Administration




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