- University Members /
- Ahmed Hamed Abd Ellah
Mathematics Department
Faculty of Science
- Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science , S508
- Faculty Member
- Personal site
- Visitors: 6969
Name: Ahmed Hamed Abd Ellah Academic Rank: Professor PhD.D. Title: 'On prediction interval problem for exponential distribution using subset of data PhD Awarding University, Graduation year: South Valley University 1995 Specialization: Mathematical Statistics-prediction Theory Contact information: Mobile: 00966597902987-و002-01005301260 Email:aabdulmotajali@bu.edu.sa ahmhamed@hotmail.com, ahmhamed@yaho.com , ahmed.abdelah@science.sohag.edu.eg
Assuit University (Sohag), Egypt
Bachelor Degree, Mathematics (With Honors)
Minia University, Egypt
Master Degree, Mathematical Statistics
Sohag university, Egypt
PhD, Mathematical Statistics
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