- University Members /
- Ahmad Fareed Tazay
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
- ENG-2226
- Faculty Member
- Personal site
- Visitors: 4716
Ahmad F. Tazay was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on January 1985. He received his Bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from Umm Al- Qura University in 2007. He received his Master of Science and Ph. D. degrees from University of South Florida, USA in 2013 and 2018; respectively. He is currently working as an assistant professor in Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al Baha University, Saudi Arabia. His research of interest includes integration of renewable energy resources, designing and implementation of power electronics and smart inverters, artificial intelligent and machine learning, and control of smart grid and micro-grid.
University of South Florida, United States
PhD, Electrical Engineering
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