Member Page

Dr. Amir Ali Bashir Adam

Associate Professor


Faculty of Medicine

  • Faculty of Medicine, Al Baha University
  • Faculty Member
  • Personal site
  • Visitors: 5897

Associate professor of Medical Physiology, PhD from Gezira University (Sudan) and postdoctoral studies from university of Leuven in Belgium. Involved in teaching in a lot of Medical Colleges in Sudan and in Supervision of a lot masters and PhD degrees with many publications. Former member of the IUATLD and ERS. Now I am a member of the department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Al Baha University.



Faculty of Medicine, Gezira University, Sudan

PhD, Human Physiology


Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira, Sudan

Master Degree, Human Physiology


Faculty of Medicine, EL Emam Elmahdi University, Sudan

Bachelor Degree, MBBS


Faculty of Vet. Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan

Bachelor Degree, Vet. Medicine




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