The Influence of Green Human Resource Management Practices on Environmental Performance in Light of the Awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals among Workers in Small and Medium Enterprises
- D. Mohammed Saad A. Al-Yahya
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 22/3/2023
This study aims to identify the level of adoption of green human resource management practices and their dimensions (i.e., green employment, green wages, green rewards, green participation for green employees, and green training) from the point of view of workers in private small and medium enterprises in Al Majma’ah Governorate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To achieve the objectives of the study, it used the descriptive analytical method. Data were collected from 179 employees of human resources in small and medium enterprises in Al Majma’ah Governorate through a questionnaire that was developed under the guidance of previous studies related to the subject of the research. The results indicate that an average level of green human resource management practices has been achieved. There is also a positive impact of some dimensions of green human resource management practices, which are green employment polarization, green employee participation, and green training, on the environmental performance of employees. While there is no effect of green rewards on environmental performance. Moreover, there is an indirect impact in terms of awareness of sustainable development to practice green training, green participation, and green employment on environmental performance. The results also point to further social, environmental, and economic impacts. Accordingly, small and medium enterprises should improve green human resource management practices and develop a culture of environmental sustainability among employees in order to improve the outstanding environmental performance of employees in these institutions. Keywords: Green Human Resource Management, Environmental Performance, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Enterprise Sustainability
The Reality of the Diploma Program of Life and Family Skills at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, from the Students’ Perspectives
- Dr. Majid ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al-Habib
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 16/3/2023
The study aimed to identify the organizational and learning realities of life and family skills. diploma program at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University and to present the most important proposals for its development from the students' perspectives. To achieve this goal, the researcher used the descriptive survey approach, and the tool used in this research was the ‘questionnaire. The sample for this research consists of 36 students. Keywords: Diploma in life and family skills, Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University
The Rhetoric of Quranic Storytelling in Assamiri’s Story
- Dr. Mohammad Abdullah Ayedh Albuqmi
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 18/2/2023
The research addresses the rhetoric of storytelling in the Holy Quran. This is conveyed through studying Assamiri story as an applicable example of the stories of the Holy Quran. In the preface, the research presented the concept of story as well as its components, stories in the Holy Quran and their types, and introducing Assamiri. The research consisted of four research questions depending on the nature of the story structure included in Assamiri story: story events, story characters, story space, which is naturally divided into time and place, and finally the story dialogues. The research is concluded with a summary of its most important ideas and contents. Keywords: Quranic Story - Quranic Rhetoric - Dialogue Story - Story Structure
Al-Najri's Deductions Related to the Sayings and Doings of Prophets through his Book "Shafi Al-Alil: An Applied Theoretical Study
- Dr. Hasen Ali Ali Arayshi
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 3/2/2023
The current research discusses a type of the Holy Qur’an interpretation and sciences, namely deduction, it is entitled: "Deductions of the scholar Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-Najri, (died 877H) through the prophet's traditions through his book "Shafi Al-Alil Explanation of the Five Hundred Verses of Revelation" an applied theoretical study. The objective of the study: The study aimed to identify the deductions related to the traditions and sayings of the prophets that Allah told about them according to Al-Najri through his book "Shafi Al-Alil interpretation of the Five Hundred Verses of Revelation". Research plan: This research included an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and scientific indexes. Introduction: Includes a statement of the importance of the topic and the reasons for selection, the objectives of the research, the limits of the research, previous studies, the approach, and the research plan. First topic: a brief introduction to Imam Al-Najri and his interpretation. Second topic: the concept of deduction, and its conditions. Third topic: Presentation and study of "the deductions of Imam Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-Najri, (died 877H) through the actions of the prophets through his book "Shafi Al-Ail interpretation of the Five Hundred Verses of the Revelation". Findings: This research contains a number of (40) deductions from Allama Al-Najri's deductions, which he deduced through the prophets' actions and sayings. What distinguished Al-Allamah Al-Najri-: from a fragrant scientific biography, and from valuable deductions, some of which are unique and unique, it is necessary to collect and highlight them. That Al-Najri’s deductions are not specific to Fiqh provisions, as it is apparent from its interpretation that it is in the rulings of the Qur’an. Rather, they are comprehensive and varied, such as deductions for doctrinal, linguistic, and fundamental principles, and deductions related to chips and behavioral education. Recommendations: The researcher recommends paying attention to the interpretation of Al-Najri's "Shafi Al-Alil interpretation of the Five Hundred Verses of the Revelation" by studying, verifying, and documenting his hadiths.
Psychological and Social Effects of the Corona Pandemic (Covid- 19) in Al-Baha Region According to Some Variables
- Dr. Rahma Muhammad Al-Ghamdi Dr. Naglaa Mahmoud Al-Habashi
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 1/2/2023
The study aimed to detect the degree of prevalence rates of the psychological and social effects of the Corona pandemic among individuals in the Al-Baha region and the differences according to some variables (gender, age level, workplace, HIV infection, chronic disease, contact with an infected person, job status, and job place). The study sample consists of (1781) from Al-Baha region. The scale of psychological and social effects of the Corona pandemic was used. Which was prepared by the research team after verification of its validity and reliability. The research follows the descriptive survey method. The results showed that the degree of prevalence of psychological effects was as follows: depression (22.74%), post-traumatic stress disorder (20.71%), anxiety (16.28%), and panic disorder (15.55%). For social effects, social anxiety reached (38.74%), followed by social isolation at (16.33%). There are statistically significant differences in some psychological and social disorders in favor of females, younger individuals, those who were exposed to the virus, those with chronic diseases, contacts, workers, and employees of the Ministry of Education. Keywords: Psychological Effects, Social Effects, Corona Pandemic, Al-Baha Region
What has been added to Honesty in the Holy Quran: Analytical Study
- Dr. Hamdan ibn Lafi ibn Jaber Alanzi
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 30/1/2023
The research aims at introducing the words ascribed to al-ṣidq (goodness) in the Glorious Qur’an, and studying those words comparatively and analytically, in order to reach the nearest opinion on what is meant by the word ascribed to al-ṣidq, and these words are: qadama ṣidiqin (good precedence of honor), mubawwaha ṣidiqin (good settlement), mudkhala ṣidiqin (good entrance), makhraja ṣidiqin (good exit), lisaana ṣidiqin (good mention or reputation), maq’ada ṣidiqin (good seat). The methodology followed in the research is the inductive comparative.The research is made of two topics: the first topic: al-ṣidiq and what is ascribed to it in the Glorious Qur'an, and it includes the definition of al-ṣidiq, and the concept of al-ṣidiq in the words that it was inscribed to, the second topic: a study of the words that al-ṣidiq was ascribed to in the Glorious Qur’an—an analytical study. The findings of the research include: that it is possible to divide the types of what was ascribed to al-ṣidiq in the Qur’an into what belongs to the prophets of Allaah—the Most High—in this world and the hereafter, and this is al-lisān (the mention or reputation) for Ibrahim and his son—peace be upon them-, and al-madkhal (the entrance) and al-makhraj (the exit) for our Prophet Muhammad –peace and blessing upon him-, and what belongs to the believers in the hereafter which is al-qadam (the precedence) and al-maq’ad (the seat), and what belongs to the Israelites in this world which is al-mubawwaha (the settlement). Keywords: The Glorious Qur’an – ascription – goodness – approaches.
Sustainable Universities as an Entrance for Developing Higher Education System in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Dr. Manal Ahmed Abdul Rahman Al-Ghamdi Nebras Muhammad Abdul Rahman Eid
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 30/1/2023
The research aimed to reveal the degree of availability of requirements and challenges for the transformation of higher education institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia into sustainable universities in view of the following dimensions: sustainable leadership, sustainable learning, sustainable research, sustainable partnerships, and sustainable campuses; and the presence of statistically significant differences between the averages of responses of research individuals about the degree of availability of those requirements and challenges due to two variables: the university to which they belong and their administrative position. It is also revealing if there is a statistically significant relationship between those requirements and challenges. To achieve the objectives of the research, a descriptive-correlative approach and questionnaire as a research tool were applied, and the impact of dependent variables on independent ones was measured through appropriate statistical methods. The research community consisted of 375 academic leaders, who belong to the following Saudi universities: King Abdelaziz University, King Saud University, Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University, Al-Baha University, and Al-Jouf University, and those who occupy the following administrative positions: dean of the college and vice dean of the college. The study sample consisted of 194 academic leaders, including 50 college deans and 145 college vice deans. The research found that the degree of availability of requirements for the transformation of the higher education system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to sustainable universities was high, and the order of dimensions according to that was as follows: (sustainable partnership, sustainable leadership, sustainable learning, sustainable research, then sustainable campus; and the degree of agreement of transformation challenges of the education system to sustainable universities was high, with a negative correlation between these requirements and challenges. Based on the results, one of the most important recommendations was to conclude partnership agreements with global institutions and initiatives that support sustainability in higher education, define standards and indicators for measuring and evaluating sustainable performance in universities, and expand the development of study programs that specialize in sustainability in various academic degrees. Keywords: sustainable leadership, sustainable learning, sustainable research, sustainable partnership, sustainable campus.
Self-Assertiveness and its predictive significance of Quality of life among Saudi Women Drivers in Riyadh City.
- Dr. Rashed S. Alsahali
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 30/1/2023
The research aims at identifying self-assertiveness and its predictive significance for the quality of life among Saudi women drivers in Riyadh. The sample consisted of (455) Saudi women drivers from different age groups and educational and occupational levels. The researcher used the self-assertiveness scale developed by Rathus (1975), which was adapted to the context by Al-Johani (2011). Also used the Quality of Life scale by Al-Sayed (2018). The results showed that simple regression demonstrated the ability of self-assertiveness to predict the significance of quality of life. In addition, the results showed that 25% of women drivers had low levels of assertiveness. Also, the percentage of women drivers with middle-level self-assertiveness is 48.5%, and the percentage of women drivers with high-level self-assertiveness is 2.6.4%. To sum up, the results showed that the percentage of women drivers with low quality of life is 27.7%. Also, the percentage of women drivers with a middle-level quality of life is 47.9%, and the percentage of women drivers with a high-level quality of life is 24.4%. The results showed that there was a direct, medium, and statistically significant correlation at the level of (0.01) between the scores of a sample of Saudi woman drivers from Riyadh on the self-assertiveness scale and their scores on the quality-of-life scale. Also, there were statistically significant differences in the scores for quality of life due to age (46-55 years). Moreover, the results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the scores of the quality of life due to university level and that there were statistically significant differences between the scores of the quality of life due to job in favor of women drivers and employees in the government sector. In addition, the results showed that statistically significant differences in self-assertiveness between women drivers could be attributed to age. Also, the results showed that statistically significant differences in self-assertiveness between women drivers could be attributed to the educational level of the preparatory postgraduate. Finally, the results showed that statistically significant differences in the scores of the assertiveness of women drivers could be attributed to the jobs of the preparatory employees in the government sector. Keywords: Self-Assertiveness, Quality of life, Saudi Women Drivers
The role of advanced science curricula in consolidating environmental values among middle school students in light of the goals of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 Vision from the point of view of science teachers
- Dr. Mohammed Saad Ahmad Al-Harthi
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 15/1/2023
This study explored the role of reformed science curricula in promoting environmental values among middle school students in light of the Saudi Vision 2030 aims as perceived by science teachers. A descriptive approach was used on a random sample consisting of (91) middle school natural sciences teachers in Jeddah. Data were collected by a questionnaire, which included five sections measuring the values associated with environmental centralism and tolerance: preserving the environment, ecological beauty, respect for environmental laws, and appreciating the efforts of individuals and institutions in the sustainability of environmental resources. Results revealed that the role of reformed science curricula in promoting environmental values associated with centrism, tolerance, and preserving the environment was highly perceived by the participants. However, they attributed an average level of value to the value of ecological beauty, respect for environmental laws, and appreciation of the efforts of individuals and institutions in ensuring the sustainability of environmental resources. The study recommended considering environmental values in general and the values of ecological beauty, respect for environmental laws, and appreciating the efforts of individuals and institutions in the sustainability of environmental resources in particular in planning curricula and giving them weight commensurate with their significance, in addition to supporting these values with classroom and extra-curricular activities and providing students with sufficient concepts related to the aims of Saudi Vision 2030 within middle school science curricula. Keywords: science teaching, reformed science curricula, environmental values, middle school, Saudi Vision 2030
The Use of Inference by the Integration Method in the Holy Quran: A Hybrid-based (Theoretical/Applied) Study
- Dr. Hamood ibn Afar ibn Zabin Al-Shammri
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 5/1/2023
This study aimed to explore the role of the integration method in inferencing the Holy Quran. The study has consecutively defined the meaning of integration and inference linguistically and terminologically. The study has also focused on how interpreters of the Quran have applied the integration technique to get inferences from the Holy Quran. The research also dealt with the differentiation between the method of inclusion and the term indication of the occurrence of similarities between them. This has then been practically followed by studying a number of inferences. The most important findings and recommendations have finally been provided. Keywords: Inference - the indication - Holy Quran- Integration
The Degree of Enhancement of Islamic Studies Curricula at the Secondary Stage for Social Harmony from the Perspective of Teachers
- Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohammed Ali Al-Sharafi
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: 1/6/1445 Accepted:
This study aimed to determine the degree to which Islamic studies curricula at the secondary stage enhance social harmony from the perspective of teachers. It also sought to examine this enhancement in light of several variables, including gender, experience, type of school building, and educational office. The researcher employed the descriptive method and utilized a questionnaire as the primary tool for the study. The key findings of the study are as follows: there is an enhancement of Islamic studies curricula for social harmony through evaluation methods, with an average of 3.86; through teaching methods, with an average of 3.58; through learning technologies, with an average of 3.38; through curriculum objectives, with an average of 3.36; and through study content, with an average of 3.33. The study also found no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level in all dimensions and the overall score based on the variables of experience, gender, and type of school building. The study concluded with several recommendations and suggestions, the most important of which are: Work on raising the level of enhancement of Islamic studies curricula at the secondary stage for social harmony through curriculum objectives, focusing on goals that contribute to the development of higher-order thinking skills among students, Conduct a study to determine the role of Islamic studies teachers at the secondary stage in achieving social harmony, and Conduct a study to determine the effect of a proposed program on developing social harmony concepts among secondary stage students. Keywords: Islamic Studies, Secondary Stage, Social Harmony.
The context of detaching the wordingly attached, and deflecting its meaning from the apparent meaning (Critical Study)
- Dr. Hibatallah Sadiq Saeed Abu Arab
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: 1/6/1446 Accepted:
The research deals with one of the most important issues in the sciences of the Holy Qur’an, which is the issue of (Almawsul lafdhan almafsul ma’nan) that is (connected verbally and separated in meaning), It attempts to clarify the context that can be considered a general rule for the connection in word and separation in meaning, in addition to the fact that there are problems with this term among the later scholars, which led in general to the introduction of types of meanings and connotations to which this description does not apply. Research objectives: to solve a problem centered on the difference in the concept of this term among the predecessors and contemporary researchers, due to the almost lack of criterion in describing verbal and moral context that is the focus of the rule in describing the verses and their meanings according to the verbal separation and moral separation. From this standpoint, the research aims to study the term of (Almawsul lafdhan almafsul ma’nan) among the later scholars, By reviewing some Qur’anic examples and analyzing them, using the inductive descriptive approach, and criticizing opinions by studying the indicative context in the connection in word and separation in meaning, as well as the turning indication from this chapter and diverting it to the chapter of Stop/Start Rules, The most important results: The research has come up with scholarly results, the most important of which are: that many of the examples used by contemporaries did not correspond to the meanings of the term according to scholars, and to the diversity of the context affecting (Almawsul lafdhan almafsul ma’nan), The most important recommendations: studying the famous sayings that had a direct impact on the description of some verses, studying the correlative relationship between verbal and moral "Eltifat”, studying the correlative relationship between the connotations of (Almawsul lafdhan almafsul ma’nan) and the interpretation used by scholastic theologians, and the reasons for allowing to resort to interpretation when there is a problematic and conflicting meanings. Keywords: Disjunctive Context, Almawsool Lafdhan, Turning Indications, Moral Separation.
Potential Risks of Fatwa Manufacturing Via Artificial Intelligence.
- Dr. Mohammed bin Obaidullah bin Nasser Al-Thabeti
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: 1/6/1446 Accepted:
The study aimed to identify the potential risks of issuing fatwas via artificial intelligence (risks related to muftis, risks related to the questioner, risks related to the fatwa, risks related to intellectual security) from the point of view of the muftis in the General Presidency of Scientific Research and Ifta. The researcher used the descriptive analytical approach in the current study. The study sample consisted of (97) muftis working in the General Presidency of Scientific Research and Ifta in the Western Region for the Hijri year 1445 AH. They were selected using a comprehensive survey method. The most prominent results reached by the study were the high level of potential risks from issuing fatwas via artificial intelligence (risks related to muftis, risks related to the questioner, risks related to the fatwa, risks related to intellectual security). There are also statistically significant differences between the average responses of the study sample members regarding the potential risks of issuing fatwas via artificial intelligence according to the variable of number of years of experience and the variable of previous knowledge of artificial intelligence, while there are no statistically significant differences attributable to the variable of academic qualification. The study recommended the need to direct efforts towards using technology in a balanced manner with human factors, such as religious, cultural and ethical expertise, to ensure that fatwas are issued in an accurate and balanced manner. When using technology such as artificial intelligence in issuing fatwas, these risks must be taken into account and mechanisms must be sought to deal with them effectively to ensure that the service is provided in an accurate and useful manner to the questioner, and to take into account the potential risks and challenges of the fatwa industry through artificial intelligence and work to develop an appropriate framework and mechanisms for oversight and monitoring to ensure that technology is used in a responsible and effective manner in the fatwa industry. Keywords: Risks, Fatwa Industry, Artificial Intelligence.
The degree of availability of teaching design standards among secondary school teachers in Al-Baha Educational Region from their point of view
- Dr. Abdulkhaliq Hajjad Omar Al-Ghamdi
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: 1/6/1446 Accepted:
The study aimed to identify the degree of availability of teaching design criteria among secondary school teachers in the Al-Baha region. To achieve the objective of the study, the descriptive survey method was followed, and the study data was collected using a questionnaire consisting of (49) statements distributed on (9) axes representing the basic criteria of teaching design: Learning planning, learner characteristics, learning transfer, learning environments, teaching strategies, teaching strategies, learning media, classroom management strategies, learning and teaching, and learning assessment. The study was applied to a stratified random sample of (309) male and female teachers from secondary schools in Al-Baha Educational Area. The results of the study resulted in determining the degree of availability of teaching design criteria among male and female teachers, which was high in the total score, and in the nine sub-themes. The results also showed that there were statistically significant differences in the degree of availability of teaching design criteria due to the difference in gender, in favor of females (female teachers), and differences due to the difference in the type of training, in favor of those who have specialized training on teaching design. While there were no statistically significant differences attributable to different educational qualification, number of years of experience, or specialization. Keywords: Standards, Instructional Design, Learning, Teacher, Secondary School.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder of Obesity and Mental Health Among Sleeve Gastrostomy Patients from Saudi Society.
- Dr. Mohammad Ahmad Hassan AL-Sharfi
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: 8/5/1446 Accepted:
The study aimed to investigate the rate of Body Dysmorphic Disorder of Obesity and mental health for post and pre sleeve gastrostomy surgery and also investigate the differences in BDDO and MH for pre and post of sleeve gastrostomy surgery, in addition investigate the differences between male and female in BDDO and MH for pre and post sleeve gastrostomy surgery. The sample was selected randomly from Saudi society with 270 (115 male and 155 female). The range of ages was from 22 to 58 years old with mean 38 years old. The study was used the descriptive of ex post facto methodology to achieve the aims. The instruments, BDDO scale was developed by the author and the AMH was developed by Abdulkhliq (2016). The results of study revealed that the rate of BDDO was decreased after the sleeve gastrostomy surgery from %37 to %15 and the rate of MH enhanced from %45 to %55, also there were differences between the BDDO and MH before and after the sleeve gastrostomy surgery <0.001(t=19010)/p<0.001(t=11.17), there were differences between male and female in the MH after sleeve gastrostomy surgery p<0.001(t=4.07), and there were no differences between male and female in BDDO and MH weather before or after sleeve gastrostomy surgery. The study recommended providing psychological rehabilitation programs for the individuals who need to undergo sleeve gastrostomy surgery. Keywords: Body Dysmorphic, Obesity, Mental Health, Sleeve Gastrostomy Surgery.
The Impact of Organizational Social Capital on Entrepreneurial Culture at Al-Baha University
- Dr. Faisal Ali Mohamed Al-Ghamdi
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: 8/5/1446 Accepted:
This study aimed to reveal the impact of organizational social capital on entrepreneurial culture among faculty members at Al-Baha University. The study utilized a descriptive correlational approach, and data were collected through the administration of a questionnaire to a random sample of 332 faculty members, from the study population of 1,524. The results showed that faculty members practice organizational social capital to a high degree, and the availability of entrepreneurial culture was high as well, with arithmetic averages of 4.14 and 4.29, respectively. The results also showed a positive, statistically significant correlation between the degree of practicing organizational social capital and the availability of entrepreneurial culture (r = 0.586; p < 0.01). Organizational social capital was found to have a statistically significant effect on entrepreneurial culture, explaining 38% of the total variation in the entrepreneurial culture. Finally, the results revealed an effect of organizational social capital in each dimension of entrepreneurial culture—innovative, and risk-taking, proactive —where organizational social capital explained 37%, 33%, and 21% of the variance in these dimensions, respectively. The study recommends selecting and appointing academic leaders who believe in the importance of teamwork and work to enhance informal practices to increase trust and achieve harmony among faculty members in a way that contributes to the exchange of ideas and information. the study also suggests holding specialized training courses to enhance proactive work behaviors among faculty members. Keywords: Organizational Behavior, Higher Education, Saudi Universities.
Effectiveness of a Training Program Based on Multiple Activities in Reducing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Students with Learning Disabilities
- Dr. Khalid Munahi Hudaib Alqahtani
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: 7/5/1446 Accepted:
The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a training program based on multiple activities in reducing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among students with learning disabilities in the Al-Baha region. The study employed a quasi-experimental method and relied on the ADHD scale and the training program prepared by the researcher. The sample consisted of 12 fourth-grade students with learning difficulties who were intentionally selected; they were classified within the highest category of ADHD based on the upper quartile value. The sample was divided into two groups, experimental and control, with six students in each group, the study results showed statistically significant differences between the mean ranks of the experimental and control groups in the post-test measurement, in favor of the control group. Additionally, there were differences between the mean ranks of the experimental group members in the pre-test and post-test measurements on the overall ADHD scale and its sub-dimensions, in favor of the pre-test measurement. Furthermore, no statistically significant differences were found between the mean ranks of the experimental group members in the post-test and follow-up measurements. Keywords: Training Program, Multiple Activities, Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity, Learning Disabilities.
Expressing epidemics as a source to enrich contemporary painting (Corona pandemic as an example)
- Dr. Mesfer Mohammed Ahmed Al-Marouei
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: 5/5/1446 Accepted:
Health crises represent a disturbing concern in various social circles, as their consequences are reflected in all aspects of life, and directly affect multiple areas, including economic and social. The Kingdom has taken all precautionary and preventive measures during the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, which threatened the entire world. Epidemics, especially the Corona crisis, have had a painful impact on all countries of the world without exception, in light of a misunderstanding of its details and ways to deal with the lack of information that accompanied its emergence. It developed rapidly, successively, and multiple times, which doubled the difficulty of getting to know it, with the conflicting and overlapping of this information from the World Health Organization and others. It was announced by health authorities in the world, which reflected the difficulty of understanding and absorbing the huge amount of information, with many rumors continuing to appear, which put the decision maker in a pivotal position to deal with the Corona crisis health wise, despite the negative effects it causes on society. Corona was an international crisis that affected locally. It required tight international coordination and rapid local response by managing the crisis in a systematic and practical manner and preparing the human and financial capabilities to confront the crisis according to an organization that prevents randomness and improvisation in decisions, and planning within which crises are dealt with with the available information and future scenarios. From here, the research seeks to study the impact of epidemics, in particular The Corona crisis on the artistic expression of female students at Al Baha University and the extent to which they are affected by this crisis. Keywords: Epidemics, Contemporary Painting, Corona Virus (COVID-19).
Narrations of Hushaim bin Bashir declared defective with difference in “Ilal al-Daraqutni ” Collection and study
- Dr. Omar bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al Habib
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: 5/5/1446 Accepted:
The research addresses the seven Ahadith of Hushaim bin Bashir al-Wasiti, which Al-Daraqutni declared defective. The importance of this research is evident in the fact that the Science of Ilal (Hidden Defects) is one of the critical fields of Hadith sciences, the status of Hushaim bin Bashir among the narrators, the breadth of his memorization, and the superiority of Al-Daraqutni in the science of Ilal (Hidden Defects) in particular. The research aims to collect those Ahadith that Al-Daraqutni declared defective with difference, investigate these differences, explain the more correct ones, and judged them, while highlighting Al-Daraqutnis scholarly status, and the evidence of preponderance that he used. At the forefront of the research, there were two brief biographies for both Imams Hushaim and Al-Daraqutni and four sections. The first section: Al-Ilal by adding a narrator. The second section: Al-Ilal by replacing one narrator with another. The third section: Al-Ilal by discontinuity (Waqf). The fourth section: Al-Ilal by transmission (Irsal). In the research method, the researcher adopted the inductive, analytical, and critical approach, which yielded several results. The most important of these results are: deducing evidence of preponderance that Al-Daraqutni inferred, explaining the reasons for the weakness in the defective Ahadith from the Ahadith of the study and showing that the difference in the Ahadith of Hushaim is due to the narrator himself. The researcher recommends to pursue research in the field of Ilal (Hidden Defects), especially the book of Al-Daraqutni. Keywords: Narrations, Hushaim bin Bashir, Difference, Ilal (Hidden Defects), Al-Daraqutni.
Meccan and Medinan Verses in Surat An-Nahl - Analytical Study
- Dr. Saeed bin Mohammed Jamaan Alhdiyah
- Reseived: Received in Revised Form: 1/5/1446 Accepted:
The study aims to consider the concept of Meccan &Medinan in Holy Qur'an, reflect on Meccan & Medinan Verses throughout Ch. 16 (Surah Al Nahl), showing different scholars' views about identifying place & timing of revealing verses, mentioning evidence of each view to end up with the most correct view. It shows the value of Qur'anic sciences & Islamic jurisprudence in general, determining Meccan & Medinan verses in particular to understand verses correctly. it also demonstrates that variety of places & timing of revealing Holy Qur'an means that is important to Islamic community; having a conversation with the other & determining right methods to deal with problems. It also has a relation with some fundamental issues such as abrogating abrogated verses & the consequent Islamic law provisions. This study uses inductive & analytical method through determining the evidence of each view, discussing them properly, it consists of an introduction, preamble, 4 sections, & a conclusion. It includes recommendations such as: The conflict among scholars on defining place & time of revealing Surah Al Nahl or some of its verses, and the most opinions mentioned, there is no explicit text to identify place & time of revealing Surah Al Nahl; it's done through scholars' approximation, independent reasoning, Reasons for the conflict on defining Ch. is a result of their different understanding of Meccan & Medinan terms. Keywords: Verses, Meccan, Medinan, Surah Al Nahl.